What is the difference between gross profit margin and gross profit markup?

What is the difference between gross profit margin and gross profit markup?



Gross Profit Margin and markup measure the profitability of a business and your project, BUT:


  • Gross profit MARGIN is the percentage of the gross profit/sale.
  • Markup is the percentage of direct costs.
  • Gross profit margin will always be lower than markup because, for example, 30% on cost will always be less than 30% on sale, as the cost cannot be higher than the sale price.
  • Gross profit margin allows you to calculate breakeven.

Live example:

Your direct costs on a project are £50 000. Adding a markup of 30% will give you a sale price of £65 000. Now, your profit is £15 000.


If you divide this gross profit by the sale value of £65 000, you will come up with a gross profit margin of 23%.


If you want a gross profit margin to be 30%, the sale will need to be £71 429.


Why is this important for breakeven?


The breakeven is the minimum sale value needed to cover the company’s overheads, which include:

  • Office costs, rent, admin salaries, interest, bank fees, insurance, etc.

To cover £12 000 company overheads/month with a 30% gross profit margin, you need to achieve a minimum monthly sale of £40 000. Only gross profit margin can help you to calculate this figure in a simple way.



Do you know your company’s breakeven point? How do you decide on taking on a new project?

Try our new free tool that can help you calculate the project’s profitability here: www.profit-calc.co.uk