I became a Mountain Leader in Great Britain.

How does it feel to achieve a goal in your life?Β  On Sunday, I achieved one of my life goals!

I became a Mountain Leader in Great Britain.

After five days of assessment, which included three days expedition in the mountains, I heard on Sunday morning while drinking coffee in front of my tent: “You passed; it is a strong pass. You are a Mountain Leader now”.

My heart stopped, and I had tears in my eyes. I have been working towards this award my whole life, from the age of nine till coming here and following my passion for the mountains. The assessment covered it all: navigation in complex terrain during the day and night (we set off at 10.30 pm and finished by 4 am), geology of Britain, flora, fauna, group management, steep terrain, use of emergency rope, confidence! Taking people to the mountain is a huge responsibility, not to be taken lightly. And first aid qualification is a must.

I did it! Setting up goals in life is important. The thrill, the sense of achievement and the journey to get there. And all the fun behind it! Because we were a strong group of trainees (four of us), we had lots of laughs; we danced salsa on the mountain; I introduced future leaders to yoga, and even had a cup of wine on the last night (metal cup).

Despite a massive avalanche accident I experienced three years ago, I didn’t give up. It motivated me more to get qualified, to inspire others and keep people safe in the hills.

I am a Mountain Leader; I worked hard for it, I played hard to achieve this qualification, and it was worth it!

Once we accept our limits, we can go beyond them.