How does high-mountain climbing compare to running a BUSINESS
Obviously in climbing a mountain your vision is fairly clear you visualise yourself standing on the summit. Vision for a business is no different. However, the critical element here is to establish what you want to achieve: specifically, in numbers.
It’s important to do a strengths and weaknesses analysis on what assets you have available to achieve the vision and what liabilities may keep you from the vision. A lot of stamina and tenacity and training… Hence, what are your weak points in your business activities and what do you have to do to fix them?
If you want to climb a mountain or you want to run a business you need a very detailed plan. You need it structured in a way that bench marks are established that let you know you are proceeding towards your goal. We call these Key Performance Indicators or Metrics.
The guides, porters and fellow climbers – all these people are important towards keeping you focused on reaching the summit. In business, you need a motivated team of employees and satisfied existing clients, well-connected peers, networking fellas…
One of the most critical elements to keep you safe and make your climb successful is an experienced guide. He obviously knows every nuance of the mountain including weather, trail conditions, snow conditions, etc., he knows when to push and when to back off. In business, you need someone who has seen the ups and downs in business from many perspectives and has experience to assist you in establishing realistic goals and working with you to achieve them. This may be a mentor you have been fortunate enough to come across or a consultant you hire to fulfill this role.
Please check this list and ask yourself how good are you prepared to achieve thousands… not only in the mountain.