A weekend hike with Women in Construction Team

The best views come after the hardest climb!
And what amazing views we had after a “little” kick-ass scramble at Langdale Pikes, the world of Wainwright hills and tarns!
What a weekend with amazing Women in Construction, Michaela Wain, Nichola Burns and Claire Parkinson!
Not only did we have a great hike, conquering the rock formations, chattering and sitting in the sun with our feet in the river, but!
We empowered each other with laughter and positivity! Each of us is different, and we have so many experiences to share (I won’t mention them here for obvious reasons ).
It’s the people we meet in our lives who make life a better place!
Mountains are a beautiful place to be. Get sweaty and fit, but the views make it all worthwhile.
Of course, the next hike has already been planned, and I hope the whole Women in Construction Team joins!